Insight Coaching

Kristin Clark
Axiogenics Partner | Certified Coach


You are about to take an assessment using the Hartman Value Profile. This is a scientifically validated instrument that measures what we call your VQ or your Value (Judgment Intelligence) Quotient.

Your VQ is a snapshot of how you think and your current capacity to make good value judgments from 36 unique perspectives. It is important to understand that the quality of your personal and professional success is determined by the quality of your value judgments.  Your VQ Profile will help you learn to make better value judgements, and can improve your performance and enhance your quality of life. 

Completing this profile should take only about 15-20 minutes. You will be asked to rank order two sets of 18 phrases from what you think is the best (ranked #1) to what you think is the worst (ranked #18). Please make sure that you will not be disturbed or distracted during this two-step assessment. 

What you can learn from this simple process can be a life changing experience, so be sure to rank order both sets of phrases thoughtfully. Once you have completed the assessment I will be in touch to set up an appointment to provide you with some insights about your results. 

When you are ready, enter your contact information and click "continue" to begin the assessment. I hope you enjoy your experience. 

Please contact me with any questions. 

Kristin Clark

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